Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Nicholas is at Justin's parents house for the night so we both got a bit of a break but instead of being snuggled up in bed with Justin I'm sitting here typing this, wide awake at 1:27 AM. I seriously can't wait for the first trimester of my pregnancy to be over and for the insomnia to cease, at least until I reach the third trimester. Of course I'll still be getting up every hour to use the bathroom but at least I'll be able to get sleep in between. The only time I seem to be able to get any sleep at all is from around 8 AM to noon. That sleep, of course, consists of cat naps since Nicholas wakes up at around 7:30 or so and falls back to sleep around 9:00. Between the constant morning sickness and the lack of sleep I can already tell that this pregnancy isn't going to be an easy one.

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